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Immaculée used her $125 microloan to become a successful tailor; she particularly loves making baby clothes. With her earnings, she became self-sufficient for the first time and raised her parents out of global poverty. She can afford to start her own family and now has a little girl who eats, plays, & learns to the fullest every day thanks to her mom’s resolve. “I am a peace artisan,” she says. Immaculée trains her local conflict resolution body and helps adjudicate conflicts fairly to keep them from escalating into violence.


 "Women are strong. I am strong. I am recovering from war. I am building my business with my own hands. I will succeed.


People call me 'Mama Resolve' since I named my daughter Resolve for this change in my life. Before, I -and many of us- we thought violence was the only way to be strong, to be safe, to have means, to live. Now I know people like me in Liberia, South Africa, India, and here in Congo have shown that nonviolence, collaboration, action for the betterment of everyone is more powerful. Maybe we already knew it, but we didn't have the tools to make it real here. It is difficult, and there are many who oppose us, but I know we can do it."

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Luc loves updating his balance sheet as he sells phone credit, diesel, & other goods. “It’s a reminder of the difference I’m making. I am an earner. I help provide for my family. The more of my efforts I put into my business and work to facilitate dialogue and peace, the more I feel like a true son of my community, of my country.” He’s often seen wearing his Community Dialogue Facilitator badge even when not on duty, “I want people to know I am an agent of peace; if they have a problem, they do not need to use violence. They can come to me, rely on me, and we will solve our problems together.”

Please note: Resolve only shares participants' likenesses, stories, names, and identifying details with their permission and according to their preferences. Please contact Resolve to reach participants and seek their permission to use their likeness or words, and credit the photographer. Photos © Daniella Zalcman.  

© 2020 by Resolve Network. 

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